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High-level assessment expert

The SKE track runs over an academic year and consists of six plenary meetings, an individual feedback/feed forward meeting and concludes with an oral assessment.

The SKE programme is guided by two trainers from the VU Centre for Teaching & Learning and consists of six half-day sessions. The track begins with an individual intake and halfway through there is an individual feedback/feed forward meeting with one of the trainers. During the track, you will also work on your own project and evaluate assessment documents in your programme from the perspective of the SKE so that you can include them in your portfolio. The track will conclude with an oral assessment based on your portfolio, in which you will demonstrate that you master the SKE qualities. Upon successful completion, the SKE certificate will be awarded by the Certification Committee Professional Development of teaching staff in Higher Education Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.

More about this programme
Data and contact

Barbara Allart

Barbara Allart

Educational consultant Barbara Allart is an expert in the field of testing and test quality and specializes in educational quality assurance. For support in the form of educational advice, she is the point of contact.

Elise Janssen-Veraar

Elise Janssen-Veraar

Contact and more information

Practical questions

Please contact Laura Arnesano via

Content related questions

For questions about the content of this course, contact Barbara Allart,

For questions about the content of this course, please content one of our colleagues listed below:

Or contact Elise Janssen-Veraar,


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