Course description
This course will give the students insight into different aspects of neurodegenerative diseases of the brain such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis: from molecules to brain, and from cells to the clinic. Furthermore this course will give an overview of the current treatment landscapes of these diseases and research progress that contributes to future exciting developments for treatment. The course is organized by the Center for Neurogenomics and Cognitive Research ( and the Alzheimer Center, Amsterdam UMC ( The CNCR generates integrated research programs with state-of-the-art techniques, from genes to behavior, each combining mouse and human studies. It operates as an expertise center of the Neuroscience Campus Amsterdam. The Alzheimer Center is a world-renowed center for dementia research and care, with close connections to the centers for other neurological diseases.
To equip (future) healthcare professionals and researchers with the necessary tools to better understand and manage neurodegenerative diseases, this summer school offers a comprehensive exploration of the latest advances in neurodegenerative disease research, clinical management, and care strategies. Our course aims to bridge the gap between current research and clinical practice by introducing participants to the biological (cell and animal models, microscopy, physiology), clinical (etiology, pathology, genetics, diagnosis), therapeutic and social dimensions of neurodegenerative diseases.
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