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Fintech and Emerging Financing Models in a Dynamic World

Fintech and Emerging Financing Models in a Dynamic World

Learn how to innovate within a sustainable financial model or product. This course consists of lectures on fintech developments and blockchain.

Course description

During this course you will deal with real-life cases and projects while honing your creativity, flexibility, professional insights and social skills in Lean (start-up) projects and scrums that will equip you to face the future of today’s gig economy. You will learn how to innovate within a sustainable financial model or product, cooperating with financial experts in a business environment based on principles such as good finance, inclusive finance and international impact investment. New start-ups such as banks, insurance companies, pension funds and other traditional financial institutions will reap the rewards of your expertise in finance’s new frontier.

The programme consists of (guest) lectures on fintech developments and blockchain, and the assessment will be carried out by your own work group on a new financial model or product. An off-site visit will be included.

Topics to be covered amongst others:

  • financial innovations
  • fintech banking products
  • fintech treasury products
  • alternative funding sources
  • blockchain models
  • crypto currencies
  • case studies

Continue reading below for course topics and more. Here you can find the preliminary course syllabus for 2024.

About this course

Course level

  • Advanced


  • 3 ECTS

Contact hours

  • 45


  • English

Tuition fee

  • €735 - €1310

Additional course information

  • Weekly sessions and topics

    Week 1

    Many of the jobs we will be doing in five years do not exist today. The world is changing rapidly and the world of finance has to change with it. New innovations will take place both within and beyond existing structures: fintechs providing services such as crowdfunding, P2P lending, family lending, inclusive financing and impact investing will be refined and made more sustainable, while new opportunities using blockchain technology will be developed. Fintechs will disrupt legacy banks and democratize financial services.

    Day 1

    • Global credit crisis; BoomBustBoom 

    • Behavioural Finance

    • Innovations: Canvas model in Banking

    • Groups and assignment

    Day 2  

    • 10:00: Guest lecture TCX, Per van Swaay, sr. vice-president

    • Forecasting and Capital Budgeting

    • Equity and debt along the lifecycle; Crowdfunding, SME bonds

    • Prepare group assignment

    Day 3

    • Alternative funding sources; green bonds, impact investing

    • 10:00: Guest lecture Ecovadis, Nico Sagel, account executive Benelux and Nordics

    • Prepare group assignment

    Day 4

    • Inclusive financing: microfinancing

    • 11:00: Guest lecture Mercon, Jeroen Laarmans, global treasurer Ecovadis

    • Prepare group assignment

    Day 5

    • Presentations

    • Wrap up 

    Week 2

    Blockchain stimulates people to create ecosystems without a trusted third party and thus revolutionizes the way organizations work. Currently, everybody is thinking in the silos of their own organization. Blockchain enables easy transactions outside of your own company. Among other things, we will discuss the impact of blockchain on and how blockchain can breach existing monopolies of payment providers.  We will also analyze the effect of self-sovereign identity, lead times within the logistical process and enterprise blockchain. Overall, it will be a pleasant mix of understanding the technology of blockchain and lightly discussing the new possibilities it offers. 

    Day 1 General concept 
    Day 2 Ecosystems and Use cases Energy and logistics
    Day 3 Tokens
    Day 4 SSI
    Day 5 Crypto

    Agenda Day 1:

    • Introduction and explanation blockchain

    • explanation of a trusted third party based on games

    • Transaction explanation

    • Introduction Ecosystems

    Agenda day 2 

    • Recap Day 1

    • Stakeholders in blockchain

    • Building an ecosystem

    • Case study logistics: Trade lens

    • Future concepts: Energy and microgrid

    Agenda day 3

    • Recap Day 2

    • Introduction to tokens

    • NFT

    • Case study Tokens: GUTS

    Agenda day 4

    • Recap Day 3

    • Siloed model vs Federated model

    • Verifiable credentials

    • Selective disclosure

    • Zero knowledge proof

    Agenda day 5

    • Recap Day 4

    • Introduction to crypto

    • Quantitative-easing & Fractional banking

    • Governance

    • Is bitcoin the future?

  • Learning outcomes

    • What is Blockchain? (What exactly is it?)
    • Non-technical technology overview (How does it work?)
    • Benefits of Blockchain (Why should anyone consider this?)
    • Use cases (Where and for what apps is it appropriate?)
    • Future of Blockchain (What is its future?)
  • Learning objectives

    By the end of this course, students will be able to: 

    - create new financial models and products

    - develop alternative financial strategies

    - fund business plans (from start-up to scale-up)

    - participate in finance discussions at top management level

  • About the course coordinators

    Frans Boumans has been lecturing globally for over 30 years at different universities after his 30 years of career in Corporate Finance. 

    Bernhard vd Biessen is an expert on blockchain in finance.

Team VU Amsterdam Summer School

We are here to help!

Skype: by appointment via


  • Yota
  • Programme Coordinator
  • Celia
  • Summer and Winter School Officer
Celia VU Amsterdam Summer & Winter School
  • Esther
  • Summer and Winter School Officer