Who can join?
This course is designed for a diverse group of law students, encompassing those at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. From Bachelor's students to Master's students to PhD candidates and professionals are welcome.
The course is also aimed at legal practitioners from anywhere in the world who provide services such as conducting transactions on behalf of clients such as setting up and managing client trust accounts and conducting real estate and securities transactions and so on.
Finally, the course also targets regulators of the legal profession such as law societies and bar associations as well as Financial Intelligence Units.
Note: While prior knowledge in areas such as international law, criminal law, constitutional law, and civil law is advantageous, it is not mandatory.
If you have doubts about your eligibility for the course, please contact us: amsterdamsummerschool@vu.nl.
We are open for applications! Find all information on how to apply on our application page and apply now via our form.
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