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Guidance and control in a dynamic context

Public Control & Organizational Dynamics

As a controller in the public and non-profit sectors, you are closely involved in the management and control processes within the organization or sector in which you work.

How can you guide and control effectively and purposefully in this dynamic environment? How do you ensure that employees contribute adequately to achieving organizational goals or the overall inter-organizational (network) relationship? And what is the task allocation between you and your colleagues when it comes to strategy setting and policy implementation? These issues are covered in the Public Control & Organizational Dynamics module.

Public Control & Organizational Dynamics at a glance

  • Duration: Four months on Tuesday afternoons and evenings (2.00 - 9.00 PM)
  • Cost: €4.995
  • Starting month: September 
  • Location: VU Amsterdam

This module is part of the postgraduate Certified Public Controller (CPC) programme at VU Amsterdam.


Would you like to find out more?

Please feel free to contact us

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
School of Business and Economics Executive Education
De Boelelaan 1105

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