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Develop an integrative perspective on the Hindu worldview

Practicing Integrative Worldviews in technology era

This course serves as a general introduction to Hinduism that includes the Hindu Worldview and an overview of key beliefs and practices. This course outlines the Hindu Worldview, its emergence, nature and contemporary state. It explores how this worldview led to diverse Hindu philosophies, practices including its rituals, festivals, spirituality, soteriology at individual and society levels.

The course provides a foundation to understand the contemporary debates involving Hindu context and how are Hindu concepts relevant in issues of present interest. It comprises themes: Hindu view of existence of self, universe, divinity and their interconnection (dharma, advaita); Hindu view of origins or creation and future (cycles of birth and death); overview of Hindu epistemology highlighting the importance of texts and associated living traditions; Hindu view of ethics and values (karma); Hindu living (rituals, festivals, private and public forms of devotion); Hindu soteriology, renunciation, spirituality. It covers the defining narratives on balance of Hindu practices between public coherence on rituals maintaining social order and private devotion or renunciation as part of quest for ultimate truth.


This course consists of two (online) meetings, held on Monday and Wednesday.

In the first session we will focus on our Divine origins and the cycle of life. Key concepts we will learn about and discuss in this meeting are the existential view of reality, spirituality, the Four Phased life, the Four life goals, and holistic wellbeing.

During the second meeting we will further expand our knowledge and explore the Hindu worldview. We will do this by learning about the importance of embodied knowing and oral traditions, living lineages, and an overview of Hindu scriptures. We will also discuss Karma, the concepts of righteousness and happiness, the ideas behind rituals and festivals, and the Hindu view on charity.

Supplementary you take self-assessment quizzes. In order to receive a certificate, you also need to accomplish the accompanying assignment.

Target audience

Everyone who is interested in understanding the Hindu worldview and wants to explore how this is positioned in his own way of life is welcome to join.


The fee for each participant is €150,-. Sponsored participants pay a fee of €250,-. It is also possible to attend this course without aiming for the certificate; in that case the fee is lowered to €50,-.


A maximum of 8 participants can join this course.


Coordinating teachers are prof. Dr. Sharda S. Nandram and dr. Puneet K. Bindlish.