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Bridging Divided Perspectives: Conflict, Conflict Resolution and Mediation from a Multi-Disciplinary Perspective

Entry Requirements

Who can join?

This course is suitable for anybody with an interest in conflict, conflict resolution and personal competence development in this field. Master's students, PhD candidates and working professionals of diverse backgrounds can benefit from this course.

If you have doubts about your eligibility for the course, please contact us: 

Participants are expected to actively practice skills exercises and role-plays.

Types of enrolment:

For this course you can choose between Certified or Auditor participation.

  • Certified participantAs a certified participant, you will have access to all the lectures and workshops of you winter course. In addition, you will also complete assignments which are graded, so that you can get a certificate for participating in the winter course. Available for all winter school courses. 
  • Auditor participantAs an auditor participant, you will have access to all the lectures and workshops of your winter course for a discounted price (-€100). You will, however, not participate in assignments and will therefore not receive a transcript of records or study credits after completing the course.

Find out more about:

We are here to help!

Feel free to contact us anytime.


  • Yota
  • Programme Coordinator
  • Celia
  • Summer and Winter School Officer
Celia VU Amsterdam Summer & Winter School
  • Esther
  • Summer and Winter School Officer

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