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VU Minor Market

The possibilities are endless. Choose the minor that suits you best.

Want to know everything about our minor programmes? Visit the VU Minor Market on Tuesday 12 March 2024

Whether you opt for a minor that helps you dive deeper into your study programme, explore another field of study or need a minor for preparation for your master's, at VU Amsterdam we always have one that fits you and your talents.

Teachers and students from (almost) all our minors are ready to tell you everything about the programme, how the minor connects to your master's, admission requirements and more. You can also ask them all your burning (and practical) questions.

When? Tuesday 12 March 2024, 11.30-13.30
Where? New University (NU) Building, VU Amsterdam

Both VU students and external students are welcome at the VU Minor Market.

Participating minor programmes VU Minor Market

These VU minor programmes will be participating in the VU Minor Market 2024

E-Business and Online Commerce
Health Care Management
Real Estate Economics and Finance
Sustainability - Management and Innovation
Business Administration
Managing Digital Innovation
Applied Econometrics: A big data experience for all
Risk Management for Financial Institutions
Decision Making in Business and Society
Career Office & Academic Advisors

Fiscaal Recht
Gezin, Recht en Forensische Gedragswetenschappen
Recht van de toekomst
Technology, Law and Ethics
Law and Global Justice: Climate, Internet and Migration
Street Law
Visual Evidence

Communicatiewetenschap/Communiation Science
Development and Global Challenges
Politicial Science
Peace and Conflict Studies
Career Office & Academic Advisors

Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Culture
Aan de slag met literatuur
De Schrijfacademie
Digital Humanities and Social Analytics
Praktische Filosofie
Gender and Diversity
Erfgoed en Ruimte
Highlights of the Ancient World
Taal en Gehoor
Foreign Language Learning
Schoolvakminor Engels/English
Cultuur van de Antieke Wereld

Educatieve Minor
Psychology and the Brain

Arabisch en Bronnen van de Islam
Religious Dimensions of Global Challenges
Missionair Leiderschap
Hersteld Hervormd Seminarie
Religieus Erfoged im Amsterdam
Bible Translation in the Digital Age
Minor Spiritual Care
Hindu Spirituality, Yoga and Sustainability 

Studieadviseurs /OWB voor aanmeldprocedure
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Biomedical and Health Interventions
Biomedische Beeldvorming
Biomedical Topics in Health Care
Biomolecular Sciences
Brain and Mind
Communicatie over Gezondheid
Evolutionary Biology and Ecology
Five Big Issues in Health
Global Health
Information Sciences
Geo Information Minor
Science, Business and Innovation (SBI) for Science students
Spatial Economics
Sustainability: Global Challenges, Interdisciplinary Solutions
Topics in Biomedical Sciences
Green Chemistry
Situated AI