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Master's module: interdisciplinary community service learning

Make impact and address real-world challenges, while developing crucial skills for your future career. That is what the Interdisciplinary Community Service Learning (iCSL) module offers to Master's students across the entire VU. Together with a diverse group of students from various academic backgrounds, you will explore the complexities of real-world issues and start contributing to societal impact.

The interdisciplinary CSL module consists of two courses, which can either be taken separately, or as a package. Both courses can be followed in parallel to any Master's programme. 

In the interdisciplinary CSL module you will work on real-world 21st century challenges, such as sustainability, digitalisation, globalisation and social segregation. These problems are highly multi-facetted and concern many different parties. Therefore, they cannot be addressed effectively from a single perspective. That is why interdisciplinary CSL comprises collaborations between parties at and beyond the campus. You will become part of an interdisciplinary student team, and collaborate closely with companies, organisations, and governments. As such, you will get the chance to start building a professional network.

Stephanie Craig, iCSL student

"What attracted me to the iCSL course, is how it brings together different academic disciplines. You'll work with students that you otherwise wouldn't have gotten to know. Learning from their perspectives not only broadens your own knowledge, but also teaches you how to collaborate and integrate knowledge in different contexts."

The two courses

The two courses

The iCSL module consists of two courses:

  • iCSL 1 course: Defining challenges in a multi stakeholder context (period 2, code: AM_1254)
  • iCSL 2 course: Addressing challenges through transdisciplinary research (period 4-6, code: AM_1253)

You can either take one of the courses, or both of them. Every Master's student is eligible to participate.

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Come to a Q&A session or contact us

Athena Institute, Faculty of Science
Science building (W&N), 5th floor, wing C


Dr. Eduardo Muniz Pereira Urias