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Application and registration

Welcome to VU-NT2! Would you like to learn Dutch with us? Then please take the following steps to participate in one of our courses:

Go to the complete course programme with course finder

Step 1: Do you have the required level of education?
Anyone who has completed secondary education (comparable to Dutch havo/vwo) is welcome. If you don’t speak any Dutch at all, knowledge of the English language is necessary. In addition, sufficient computer skills are required.

Step 2: Apply through the online application form
Check the course programme to decide which type of course you would like to attend and fill in the online APPLICATION FORM

  • Participation in the day courses Dutch for State Exam NT2-II is only possible for participants in the Taalschakeltraject Amsterdam (enrollment by the municipality), for DUO students and for employees and students of the VU. You can find more information on this page about Learning Dutch at with a DUO loan.
    Are you an employee or student of the VU and interested in the day course? Then email your question to VU-NT2 Office:
  • If you are applying for another course (evening course, Saturday course, advanced courses) and if you already have some proficiency in Dutch language (not an absolute beginner), we will invite you to the next central intake test (see step 3).

 Step 4: You will take a intake test (only if you already have some proficiency in Dutch language)
Not an absolute beginner (level A1 or up)? Then an intake test is required, either during the (online) consultation hour, or in a central intake exam at VU Campus. After you have applied with our online application form, you will receive an automatic response informing you how to book your intake appointment.

Step 5: You will receive a course invitation and pay the course fee
You will receive a course invitation. In the course invitation will be stated which level you have been assigned to, when the course starts, how you can pay and when your payment is due. It is very important to respond to this course invitation before the (payment) deadline, in order for us to know if you will participate in the course or not.

Each group has a minimum and a maximum amount of participants. If there are not enough students, the course will be cancelled. When we have to many applicants, you can be put on a waiting list. If no places open up, you will be invited for the upcoming course period.

6: Your placement is finalized!
Once you confirmed your participation and after we have received your payment or a proof that you have a loan from DUO, your registration is finalized. We will see you soon at VU Amsterdam or online!

General terms and conditions and the privacy policy
Please check our General terms and conditions VU-NT2 Academy and the VU-NT2 privacy policy.

If you receive a loan from DUO, please check our general terms and conditions for students with a DUO loan.