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Insight into the roots of classical reformed theology

Restored Reformed Seminary

In the minor programme Restored Reformed Seminary, you will listen to the Word of God from various perspectives.

We go back to the sources and we investigate how they were handled by people in the past, allowing us to gain the understanding we need in the present to get to the core of our faith and relate to the questions of our time. The minor Restored Reformed Seminary is theological and approaches the modernisation of classical reformed theology from an ethical, practical, historical, hermeneutic and apologetic perspective.

This minor will give you insight into the historical roots of classical reformed theology and teaches you how to interpret it within present-day pluralistic Western culture. You will research how classical reformed theology relates to developments in current culture. You will also learn to communicate the personal, confessional conviction and relate to other perspectives.

This minor is taught in Dutch. Read all about the courses and admissions on the Dutch page.

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