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Learn Arabic and discover and understand the source of Islam

Arabic and Sources of Islam

The minor programme Arabic and Sources of Islam offers you the opportunity to combine basic knowledge of Arabic, as the language of Islamic sources, with knowledge about the primary scriptural sources of Islam: the Quran and the prophetic tradition/Sunnah). Please note: a maximum of 70 students can take part in this minor.

You will learn about the approach to the origins and the interpretation of these sources. You will acquire basic knowledge of the classical Arabic language in the modules Arabic I, II, and III, with a focus on religious texts and sources. In addition to an introduction to the Quran and Sunnah, you will delve into Hadith sciences and terminology, the authenticity and authority of the Sunnah, and the associated challenging interpretative queries.

This minor teaches you:

  • about the classical Arabic language and its grammar in order to recognise, understand and use written and oral language expressions in Arabic at a beginner’s level.
  • to reproduce the contents of a number of Quran and Hadith texts discussed in class. to analyse these texts and explain them based on the methodology of Kuran and Hadith sciences.
  • about the primary sources of Islam and how these relate to the tradition and lives of Muslims in and outside of the Netherlands.
  • skills to effectively analyse and communicate about religion, Islam and Muslims.

Please note: the three Arabic modules are intended to acquire basic language skills (from level zero). If you feel like you already possess these basic skills and that you can easily obtain marks/ECTS credits or an exemption for (part of) the modules, then this minor is not suitable for you. Exemptions are not given for compulsory attendance, intermediate assignments and/or assessments. If you are mainly interested in more knowledge about Islam and are interested in Islamic sources and theology, then check out the Islam minor too!

This minor is taught in Dutch. Read all about the courses and admissions on the Dutch page.

Studying at VU Amsterdam