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How does nature work?

Ecology and Evolution (pre-Master's programme)

Interested in a Master Ecology and Evolution at VU?

But your previous education does not meet the admission requirements? Then do the pre-Master's programme Ecology and Evolution.

Please note: if you obtained your Bachelor's degree abroad, and are thus an international applicant, you cannot apply to the pre-Master's directly. You always have to first apply to the relevant Master's programme, after which the admissions board can decide whether a pre-Master's programme is a suitable option.

Admission requirements and application

  • Admission Requirements

    Admission is based on a strict selection procedure. Students who completed the HBO bachelor Toegepaste Biologie can be admitted directly to the pre-master Ecology and Evolution.

    The pre-master’s programme encompasses 30 EC and is composed of courses of the minor Evolutionary Biology & Ecology. However, students from a university of Applied Sciences (Toegepaste Biologie) may substitute Ecosystem Modelling with the course Diversiteit van Leven. Please look at the study guide, for information about the content of the courses.

    Passing the pre-master's programme Ecology and Evolution will enable you to gain direct admission to the master's programme Ecology and Evolution.
    You have to complete the entire pre-master's programme within 1 year, as re-enrollments are not allowed for a pre-master's. All general information about admission and application for a pre-master's programme can be found here. Please note that the Faculty of Sciences does not require students to participate at the pre-master's assessment.

    Language Requirements
    Students with an HBO degree (in Dutch) must take an English Language Test. Check the requirements and exemptions on the webpage.

    You can also submit the result of the English language test after you have been conditionally accepted, the deadline for submitting the test result is August 31st. Please send a scan of your test result to

  • Application

    You can find all general information about applying for a pre-master's programme here for international degree holders and here for Dutch degree holders. 

Want to know more?

Do you have questions about the pre-Master’s programme Ecology and Evolution?

Please contact the Educational Office: