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VU Amsterdam entrepreneurship experts

At VU Amsterdam, a dedicated group of academics is devoted to entrepreneurship. With their expertise we are building an innovative portfolio of entrepreneurship education and research.

Our goal is to establish a multidisciplinary institute that encompasses entrepreneurship knowledge across faculties. Are you interested in incorporating entrepreneurship into your curriculum? Get in touch and we'll guide you along the way. Contact us at:

Scroll down for an overview of our experts and their contact details. 



Enno Masurel is the director of the VU Center for Entrepreneurship Institute and Full Professor in Sustainable Entrepreneurship. His main topics are innovation, sustainable entrepreneurship, the lifecycle of the firm and capacity building in Africa, all focused on small businesses.

Entrepreneurship experts at VU Amsterdam

Together we create a more entrepreneurial society

prof. dr. Enno Masurel

Full Professor Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Director VU Entrepreneurship Institute

dr. Marco van Gelderen

Associate Professor in Psychology, Enterprising Behavior

M&O staff picture Marco van Gelderen

dr. Neil Thompson

Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Organization Studies

SBE_M&O staff picture Neil Thompson

dr. Linda van de Burgwal

Academic Entrepreneur and Assistant Professor, Director Demonstrator Lab

Dr. Linda van de Burgwal

prof. dr. Mirjam van Praag

Full Professor, Management and Organisation

dr. Francesca Bacco

Assistant Professor, School of Business and Economics, Management and Organisation

Dr. Marie Louise Blankesteijn

Associate Professor Science & Tech Entrepreneurship in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Program Director of Science in Business & Innovation (SBI)

Not sure who to connect with?

Send an email and we'll get in touch

VU Amsterdam
4th floor, Main Building
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam