This is necessary because it rains more often and harder, as well as getting hotter. Excess rainwater is stored underneath the green layer of plants on the roof. The water can be retained or discharged with a smart valve connected to the weather forecast. This helps us to keep our feet dry and our heads cool. The roofs provide space for new nature, and that is good for the city. We bring roofs to life!
- The roofs are able to collect excessive rainwater and discharge this with a smart valve based on the weather forecast. In this way, we prevent wet feet on the street.
- The water and plants cool the roofs and the environment in the hottest and driest months of the year.
- The extra water allows plants to grow better and to remain green. This is good for the biodiversity of plants, birds and insects.
This study was conducted in collaboration with Municipality of Amsterdam, Waternet, MetroPolder Company, Rooftop Revolution, HvA, VU, Stadgenoot, the Alliantie, De Key and Consolidated. The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Urban Innovative Actions Initiative.
Contact information: Toon Haer, Nicolien van der Grijp and Hans de Moel.
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