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REmote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade – RECEIPT (2019-2021)

In an interconnected world, Europe’s economy will be increasingly affected by climate change impacts that occur beyond its border.

The movement of goods and services, people and capital occurs at ever increasing rates and volumes. This complex network reveals Europe’s globalized climate exposure, vulnerability and risk structure, through which both gradual and sudden impacts of climatic features at any location on the world (hurricanes, droughts, melting ice sheets) propagate, ultimately impacting Europe’s socio-economic welfare. Public awareness of Europe’s sensitivity to global climate impacts is steadily growing. In order to provide relevant and quantitative information on the European risks from remote global climatic features, the IVM in collaboration with RECEIPT members will develop science-based sectoral storylines co-developed with societal partners, describing the impacts of remote climate change on European food security and coastal infrastructure.

This study was conducted in collaboration with Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut (KNMI), Stichting Netherlands Escience center, Internationales Institut für Angewandte Systemanalyse (Iiasa), Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (Pik), Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich (Eth), Universitaet Bern, R2 Water, Arctik Sprl, The University of Reading, Cicero Senter Klimaforskning Stiftelse, Stichting Solidaridad, Case - Centrum Analiz Spoleczno- Ekonomicznych- Fundacja Naukowa, Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo Sui Cambiamenti Climatici (Cmcc), Sayers and Partners (Spl), Deltares, Stichting International Red Cross Red Crescent Centre on Climate Change and Disaster Preparedness, University of Leeds.

Contact information: Jeroen Aerts, Philip Ward, Anne van Loon, Dim Coumou, Elco Koks, Sadhana Nirandjan, Raed Hamed.

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