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Michaël Green is a specialist in the field of cultural, social and religious history.

Michaël was research fellow at CLUE+ from 1 April to 30 June 2021.

"During my stay as CLUE+ fellow I focus on exploration of interactions of various religious communities and cultural minorities within the Dutch Republic (1600-1795) among each other (Catholics, Lutherans, Jews, Mennonites, Huguenots) and with the Reformed majority: both on level of the individual and community and with the state in Holland, Friesland and Generality lands. Another aspect of my stay is understanding of how private life functioned for these communities, research that will be conducted based on egodocuments preserved. The aim is to prepare a larger proposal for future application. An important aspect is of course to engage with Dutch specialists in the field, in particular within CLUE+, and HDC- Centre for Religious History. I am open to possible collaboration."

"I come from the field of cultural, social and religious history. My PhD dissertation focused on Huguenot migration in the Dutch Republic, in particular career path and educational practices. This was published as The Huguenot Jean Rou (1638-1711): Scholar, Educator, Civil Servant, series: Vie des Huguenots, vol. 69, Paris: Honoré Champion, 2015. 480pp. ISBN 9782745327581 As I have shown in my subsequent publications, Huguenot education became very popular among the local population and many Huguenots turned to work as tutors for the elite families. Another aspect of my research focuses on Jewish-Christian relations, in particular on the image of the Jews in the eyes of their Christian contemporaries. Yet, my most recent project was dedicated to early modern privacy in the city of Amsterdam. Based on examination of various sources left by contemporary Amsterdammers, I analyse how they wrote about their private sphere, and how they viewed it. My most recent book, entitled Le Grand Tour 1701-1703. Lettres de Henry Bentinck et de son précepteur Paul Rapin-Thoyras, à Hans Willem Bentinck. Édition critique établie par Michael Green, series: Vie des Huguenots, vol. 89, Paris: Honoré Champion, 2021. 376p. ISBN 9782745355393 is dedicated to analysing letters written by the son of a famous Dutch nobleman Hans Willem Bentinck and his Huguenot tutor Paul Rapin-Thoyras during their educational journey, the so-called Grand Tour, from the privacy perspective. In the large introduction I focus both on the privacy aspects written in the letters as well as privacy aspects of the physical letter and the information contained in it in the eyes of the contemporaries."

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