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“Bridging borders towards societal impact”

Centre for International Cooperation

Our mission: CIS is VU Amsterdam's central hub for international cooperation. Together with partners globally, we create value from knowledge, contributing to the sustainable future of planet and people.

The Centre for International Cooperation (CIS) initiates, coordinates and (co-)implements programmes and projects in capacity sharing, education, research and outreach in cooperation with partners (universities, government agencies and civil society organisations) in particular in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

These activities express the societal engagement of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam in a global perspective. In line with the four profiling themes in the strategic plan of the university, CIS initiates and works on a number of long-term programmes together with faculties:

  1. Food and Nutrition Security and Sustainable Land Management
  2. ICT for Development
  3. Conflict Resolution and Mediation
  4. Governance for Society

CIS believes in an integrated, inter- and transdisciplinary approach to address global challenges in close collaboration with VU faculties and international partners. CIS has become a centre of expertise within VU International Office, dedicated to sustainable development and mutual learning across cultures since 1955.

Hard to reach communities in Nigeria included in COVID approach

Healthcare systems around the world are rapidly adapting to the COVID-19 reality. And Nigeria is no exception.

Unfortunately, not all communities are as easily reached. Medical staff has a hard time sustaining adequate healthcare in settlements like Makoko, a riverain community. Despite COVID Tunde and his team are making a change.

Our projects

CIS has implemented projects in over 50 countries worldwide with a variety of academic partners, research institutes, government, civil society and the private sector. We created a detailed overview with the projects we are currently working on, up to five years ago.

Products and services

Over the years CIS has specialised a number of products and services. For a complete overview click here.

HAPPY Project Kick-off

The HAPPY Project was launched on the 6th of April 2021 at Royal Thimphu College (RTC) in Thimphu.

The project focusses on ways of improving qualitative research methodology (QRM) by introducing new pedagogical approaches to contribute to sustainable development, in dealing with rapid social change, cultural preservation and promotion, and climate change.

Products and services

Want to learn more about CIS?

Do you have any questions for us? We are happy to help


VU Hoofdgebouw (main building)
Filosofenhof (2G)
De Boelelaan 1105
1081HV Amsterdam
