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The SDGs in the VU research portal (Pure)

To visualise the expertise of VU researchers on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG labels have been added to profile pages and publications. VU researchers can add, adjust and remove SDG-labels themselves. Visitors of the VU Research Portal will be able to find researchers based on their contribution to one or more of the SDGs. The labels are visible as tiles in the profile home page, above the fingerprint section.

Manual: How to add SDG labels to your personal profile

Step 1: For suggestions on which labels best fit your research, check our SDG decision-support tool

  • Open the SDG decision-support tool
  • Click on an SDG labelling method (Aurora AI is preferred; includes titles in PURE of all languages)
  • Search for your name
  • The suggested SDG labels that best match your research are presented

Step 2: After you have chosen the SDGs best reflecting your work, you can add them to your profile on the VU research portal (PURE):

  • Log in to PURE and open the Edit profile page 
  • In your profile page, scroll down to the Keywords section in the Metadata tab and choose Add Sustainable Development Goals
  • Click the SDGs that best match your research
  • Use the Up and Down arrows to change the order of your SDG-labels
  • Use the minus-icon to remove an SDG-label
  • Save and check the SDG labels now visible on your profile page

Using AI to scan publications on SDGs

Using AI to scan publications on SDGs

The tool allows to determine the impact in terms of research publications, the strength of these publications, if these publications are available to the public, and if they are picked-up in policy. It was launched in 2017 following a request by university rectors of the Aurora network "to show the contribution to and impact on relevant global societal challenges", as Aurora claims to be a network that focuses on socially relevant research.

Whitepaper Aurora Impact Analysis