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The mission of AIMMS is to achieve breakthroughs in molecular, pharmaceutical and life sciences, through fundamental understanding of molecules and their interaction with biological systems, humans and the environment. AIMMS integrates these disciplines to understand, modulate and use biological processes to improve sustainability and human health.

AIMMS takes a molecular perspective

We aim to understand properties of molecules: how the interaction between molecules affect function, in health and disease. These molecules range from drugs and chemicals to metabolites, lipids, RNA and DNA, peptides and proteins.

AIMMS studies molecules in biotechnological, biomedical and environmental contexts

We aim to understand the role of (interacting) molecules in disease and (eco)toxicological mechanisms, regulatory and survival strategies of cells and microbes, and in their actions in foods, humans and the environment.

AIMMS applies fundamental knowledge

AIMMS translates excellent fundamental science with partners into applications that benefit society and human health. These include new drug targets, drugs and antibiotics, vaccines, leads for biotechnological improvements, strains, models, biomarkers and health and safety policies.