The course Visualize your Science is tailor-made for PhD-students and Post. docs who want to improve your skills in drawing figures, making posters, and visually convey your research more effectively to mainly your peers but also the general audience. The course is an official PhD-course at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden and SLU Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala, Sweden.
The Spring course will be all online and the starting date is the 1st of March and ends on the 13th of May.
In the course, you will learn to draw in Illustration software, create a graphical abstract that communicates what you want it to communicate. As a final assignment, you will create a poster based on graphical design principles but, at the same time, be scientifically credible. As a result, your poster will draw lots of attention, be memorable, and most likely win poster awards.
You can read more about the course here. And register for the Spring course here.
The summer course will start on the 3rd of May and end on the 26th of August. This course will be held online as well. You can register for the summer course here.
Schedule, times, dates, course syllabus, etc. could be found on the web page (but you need to scroll down a little bit). The goal of the course is to teach you necessary skills that will make you comfortable to do figures that are clear and crisp, posters that outshine your neighboring fellow posters, and presentations that keep your audience awake. Our aim as teachers is to help and guide you to become as good as possible to create and present scientific images.
The course is software-independent and will cover things like:
Use of colors
Text and typography
Sins and working designs
Mini art school
Layout compositing.
Format/Copyrights and where to find figures
Tips and tricks
Practical drawing sessions
Drawing workshops
You will also learn to master a drawing program of your own choice.
You can also find more information on the our web page
The registration fee should be covered by yourself or your department