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Diversity Office

Diversity Office

Take a look around our campus and you’ll notice the diversity among our students. This diversity brings plenty of opportunities – but challenges as well. To make the most of the pros and deal with the cons, the Diversity Office puts her knowledge, expertise and experience to good use.

Within Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Diversity Office (DO) fulfils a supportive role by approaching the university from four different dimensions: Education, Research, HR and Campus & Community. Each dimension has its own dossier with which we focus on the various aspects of diversity. Take, for example, gender and gender equality, sexual orientation and gender identity, cultural, ideological and social-economical differences and various physical and mental capabilities, as well as all the other things that make people differ from one another.

We focus not only on each dimension, but also on how these dimensions intertwine with and influence one another. It is through this intersectional approach that the DO assists VU Amsterdam in creating more awareness on specific topics, outlining inclusive policies and supporting students, staff, teachers and researchers with knowledge, expertise and experience.

Diversity at VU Amsterdam

The 6 diversity goals of VU Amsterdam

Diversity and inclusion are in the DNA of VU Amsterdam. But what exactly does the university strive for? And what makes diversity and inclusion at VU Amsterdam valuable?

Read more about the importance of diversity.

Diversity projects

A diverse and inclusive university doesn’t magically spring into existence. That’s why VU Amsterdam works with focused projects that increase awareness, provide points for improvement and create equal opportunities and rights.

Read more about the diversity projects at VU Amsterdam.

Diversity projects in the spotlight

About the Diversity Office

Our diversity network

The Diversity Office - diversity and inclusion at VU