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Chinese Spring Festival

16 February 2024
On February 16th, an enchanting celebration of the Chinese Spring Festival took place at the VU which was attended by more than 200 students and staff.

The celebration show commenced with Henk van den Heuvel, Director of International Relations, emphasizing the significance of fostering partnerships between China and the VU, advocating for a vibrant and inclusive environment for the Chinese community. The atmosphere was further enriched by the presence of esteemed guest Prof. Huang Zhisheng, who shared his remarkable journey and profound experiences at the VU since 1989. 

Additionally, the audience was treated to insights into breakthrough research and collaboration at the Faculty of Science by PhD candidate Zhongxuan Ma and his supervisor, Bart Bossink. Musical enchantment filled the air as bachelor student Michelle Yang gracefully played the ancient Chinese instrument, Guqin, captivating the audience's hearts. 

Lecturer Stephan and his team provided illuminating glimpses into Chinese culture, while Ziyi Wang's melodious rendition of a Chinese song resonated throughout the gathering. The festivities culminated in a Chinese dinner, inviting attendees to savor a diverse array of flavors and delights.

Gratitude was extended to Reyka Lycklama à Nijeholt (Program Manager Internationalisation), Amu Shrestha (Diversity Officer Campus & Community) and the dedicated student board members part of Bridging Success of the Diversity Office: Enactus VU, SRVU, ISAA and Universal Student Council whose unwavering support and dedication made the event a resounding success.

The Diversity Office - diversity and inclusion at VU