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W&N building

The W&N building - including the cyclotron building - was completed in 1964.

De Boelelaan 1085
1081 HV Amsterdam

Reception: +31 (0)20 5985874

It was designed by architect ir. H.T. Zwiers and it houses the laser center, the radionuclide center, the Innovation Exchange Amsterdam center (IXA) and LaserLab. There are also lecture rooms and a restaurant.

Outdated building

VU Amsterdam is working on a future-proof and modern home for the Faculty of Science, with new construction and relocation to existing campus buildings. The current W&N Building is scheduled to be demolished in this context. In 2024 the first visible works will be completed in preparation of the demolition, starting with the move of all W&N Building occupants.

Due to technical obsolescence of the current W&N Building, new housing is necessary. The building from 1964 no longer complies with the current functional and spatial requirements of our high-level research and education. In this context the decision was made to replace rather than renovate almost the entire W&N building. Read more.


VU Amsterdam has various valorisation programmes in collaboration with Innovation Exchange Amsterdam, the joint valorisation center of VU Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Hogeschool van Amsterdam and Amsterdam UMC - location VUmc and - location AMC. One of the initiatives is the 5-year valorisation programme "IXAnext, Talent for innovation". The Amsterdam Venture Studios (AVS) and the Demonstrator Lab were created from this programme. AVS offers students, researchers and alumni of the Amsterdam knowledge institutions the opportunity to turn their ideas into action. 


The mission of the Institute for Lasers, Life and Biophotonics Amsterdam (LaserLaB Amsterdam) is groundbreaking scientific research based on the interaction of light with matter, from research into atoms and molecules to the research of living cells and tissues and renewable energy sources. The research is being conducted in close collaboration between physicists, chemists, biologists and doctors from VU, UvA, Amsterdam UMC - location VUmc and - location AMC.

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