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Our research

The staff of the department of Transnational Legal Studies engage in research in the fields of public international law, EU law, and the law concerning the internet and technology.

Research is part of the program Boundaries of Law.
Most researchers in the department are involved with one or more of three major research centres:

Centre for the Politics of Transnational Law (CePTL) is an academic research centre for multidisciplinary research on the dynamic relationship between law and politics in a globalizing world.
• The Amsterdam Law and Technology Institute (ALTI) is a focus for research and training on all aspects of law, internet, and technology.
• The VU Interdisciplinary Centre for European Studies (VICES) is a meeting place for researchers from different faculties at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam who study aspects of European integration.

Themes which feature in the research carried out in the department include:

  • The European Court of Justice
  • The European internal market
  • Union Citizenship
  • The rights of migrants
  • Cimate change
  • Geoengineering
  • Internet governance
  • E-commerce law
  • Online sex crime
  • Online dispute resolution 
  • Internet of things
  • Privacy and the internet
  • Social media regulation
  • Blockchain
  • Robot law
  • International peace and security
  • The concept of sovereignty
  • Cyberwar
  • Theory of international law
  • International courts and trials
  • The relation international law - international politics

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Secretariat (Judy Richardson)

(020) 59 81247