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The Connective

The Podcast on Life’s (Non)sense

In The Connective, program maker Marc Lamain, is joined by a fellow program maker and a guest to dive into one of life’s big topics. From activism to decolonization, and loneliness to darkness, together they look for new insights. Find our latest episode on your preferred podcasting platform; the links are down below:


Apple Podcasts

Google Podcasts


Pocket Casts

NEWConnective organizes a follow-up event for each episode, called the On Campus Edition. If one is scheduled, you can find the next one in their activities overview.

Listen on your favorite platform!

Click here

The Connective is a coproduction of NEWConnective and VU Campusradio. NEWConnective is the platform for life’s big questions, from philosophy to religion, and meaning to connecting. VU Campusradio is your stage for creativity, from radio tot online content.