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SDGs integrated into the VU research portal

To find researchers with publications related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), SDG labels are added to profile pages and publications on the VU Amsterdam research portal.

VU Amsterdam aims to be a university where sustainability is an integral part of all its activities. The VU 2020-2025 strategy recognises the influence and responsibility that academic institutions have in tackling climate change, and introduces sustainability as one of VU Amsterdam's priority areas. 

In the field of research, VU Amsterdam wants to make its contribution to the transition towards a sustainable society visible and has chosen the UN Sustainable Development Goals as the framework for it. By listing and profiling the VU on these themes, researchers and research managers can make their social impact measurable in the research domain. The SDGs labels are applied to personal profiles, publications and organisational units. Instructions on how to include the SDGs on your VU personal profile can be found here.

To determine which SDGs best match a researcher's work, a decision-support tool has been developed by VU Amsterdam and the Aurora network. It uses AI methods to scan publications based on the SDGs.

Using AI to scan publications on SDGs

Using AI to scan publications on SDGs

The tool allows to determine the impact in terms of research publications, the strength of these publications, if these publications are available to the public, and if they are picked-up in policy. It was launched in 2017 following a request by university rectors of the Aurora network "to show the contribution to and impact on relevant global societal challenges", as Aurora claims to be a network that focuses on socially relevant research.

Whitepaper Aurora Impact Analysis

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