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Mourning Group

During the first semester of 2023-'24, NEWConnective organizes two mourning groups for students who are mourning someone who has passed away.

There is no manual for mourning. Everyone grieves in their own unique way.

Death is part of life, but that does not lessen the impact it has on your life. The sadness can be so overwhelming that it may feel like your whole world has collapsed and seems like life has lost all its luster. Your concentration can drop, which in turn can affect your study results. You may feel empty and aimless, angry, withdrawn, or confused still. At first, people are caring and concerned, but after a while, it can seem like no one has room for your grief anymore. The sadness is something that stays and that is normal. There is no manual for mourning. Everyone grieves in their own unique way. A grief group of students who have experienced something similar can offer you support. 

What is the Mourning Group? The group consists of a 1 on 1 intake moment with Lenneke the facilitator of the group. And six to eight group sessions, in which you can share your experiences with loss. Lenneke occasionally provides background information on aspects of grief. 

The purpose of the mourning group is to share stories and find recognition in the emotions and experiences of others, within a free and safe space for every participant. 

Is this the place for me? The group is open to every student in Amsterdam, regardless of background or belief. 

You can register by sending an email to  

English- and Dutch-speaking group

Next English group

We are currently still scheduling the next mourning group. If you send us an email at, we can give you the current information.

De eerstvolgende Nederlandse groep

Momenteel zijn we de volgende rouwgroep aan het inplannen. Als je ons mailt op kunnen we je meer informatie geven.