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Inclusive toilets on the VU Campus

There is a total of 18 inclusive toilets across the VU Campus.

Recognisability and facilities

These toilets can be recognised by the sign ‘Toilets. These toilets are inclusive – they can be used by everyone’, as opposed to the binary male and female figures found on other toilets. As the sign implies, they are accessible to anyone, irrespective of their gender identity or gender expression.

The toilet stalls include a rubbish bin for menstruation products, and so on. Just like in other toilets at VU Amsterdam, hygiene and safety are ensured.

The gender-inclusive toilets are located here:

  • Main building: A-wing: 0A-T4, 4A-T2, 7A-T1, 15A-T4 E-wing: 2E-T1 and 2E-T2
  • Initium: 2B-T2
  • MF building: B-wing: B253, B255 C-wing: C163, C165 D-wing: DK18c F-wing: F024, F026a
  • New University building: 1A-T4
  • ACTA: 0Z-T01 and 0Z-T02
  • Transitorium:  K1E-T38
  • W&N building: N-055a F-006
  • OZW building: 00-T1
  • O|2 Lab building: 0E T1

Inclusion and accessibility

VU Amsterdam is introducing more gender-inclusive toilets as part of its ongoing commitment to creating an inclusive and accessible campus. Transgender and non-binary students and employees in particular have in some instances experienced bullying, intimidation, or other forms of inappropriate behaviour in toilets. Furthermore, the inclusive toilets are also accessible for men who require a rubbish bin in the toilet stall for medical reasons. Do you want to know more about inclusion and accessibility at VU Amsterdam? Read more at the Diversity Office.

Any questions or comments?

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Please contact the FCO Service desk

VU Main building KC01b
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam