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WO&MEN@VU organises workshops, events, talks and (network-)drinks

An impression of events organized by WO&MEN@VU in the past: 

Events (annual)

  • International women's day (March) 
  • Women's history month (March 2024)
  • Orange the world (November)
  • Winter lunch (December)


  • Work-life balance (2020) by WOMEN inc.
  • "Saying no" (2021) by Rain Bleie
  • "Use your voice" (2022 & 2023) by Leonie Jansen
  • Men talk (2021-2023) by Jens van Tricht (Emancipator)


  • Imposter syndrome (2020) by ...
  • "Freedom is ... being able to be yourself and to excel" (2020) by Prof. Halleh Ghorashi
  • "Female leadership" (2022) by Sofia Slamp

Film, art and theater

  • Film: How to picture a scientist ism ACTA (2021)
  • Art: exhibition How to portray a professor (2020)
  • Theater performance: "Science on Stage" Gender and language . . . and what do you actually mean (2023) ism Griffioen and Leoni Jansen

Other activities

  • Mentorship program 
  • Active Bystander Training in collaboration with Diversity Office
  • Articles in Ad Valvas 
  • Book section women/emancipation in VU library 

We publish our events on, VUZine and in our newsletter.


The network can be contacted by sending an e-mail to