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Employees section Health Economics

Find more information about our employees here.

Our employees

Abels, M.P.G. (Maud) (Finance of healthcare)
Piet de Bekker (Appropriate care)
Canoy, M.F.M. (Marcel) (Long-term care, formal and informal care)
Hijden, E.J.E. van der (Eric) (Appropriate care)
Ismail, I. (Ismail) (Finance of healthcare)
Koolman, A.H.E. (Xander) (chair: all topics)
Krabbe - Alkemade, Y.J.F.M. (Yvonne) (Long-term care, formal and informal care)
Portrait, F.R.M. (FRM) (Long-term care)
Schouwenaar, C. (Chantal). (Long-term care, formal and informal care)
Straaten, W. van (Wouter), (Finance of healthcare)
Velthuijs, E.L.M. (Eva) (Gepaste zorg)
Vink, M.D.H. (Maarten) (Finance of healthcare)
Weerdt, V. de (Vera) (Appropriate care)
Morejón, G. (Gabriela) (Discrete Choice Experiments)
Loop, S. (Simon) (Discrete Choice Experiments)
Amankour, F. (Fatima) (Long-term care)

Our vacancies can be found on the Dutch version of this website.
To find out about our Health Economics research group click here.