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In the digital test room (DigiTenT) 584 students can take a test simultaneously.

De Boelelaan 1091a
1081 HV Amsterdam
(behind the Main Building, on the Campus)

Reception (Main Building): +31 (0)20 59 85854

VU Amsterdam is leader in the field of digital testing in the Netherlands. Since 2013 we have our digital test room (DigiTenT) where 584 students can take a test simultaneously. In 2018, we opted for a new test system: TestVision. TestVision is a modern test environment in which technology and design lead to an optimal work process for teachers and supporters and students can answer test questions quickly and easily. We also use tests in which students work with professional software such as SPSS, Excel, MatLab, ChembioDraw etcetera.

See the opening times of all VU buildings.