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ACMRL Migration Law Series

The Migration Law Section by the Amsterdam Centre for Migration and Refugee Law of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam periodically publishes papers and books that highlight the findings of its research.

Papers aim to stimulate discussion among the community of scholars, policymakers and practitioners. They are distributed free of charge in PDF format via this website. Comments on individual Working Papers are welcome and should be directed to the author/s.

The opinions expressed in the papers are solely those of the author/s who retain the copyright. The VU does not warrant in anyway the accuracy of the information quoted and may not be held liable for any loss caused by reliance on the accuracy or reliability thereof.

Below is a list of working papers. For an abstract or full pdf version of the research click on the appropriate publication of interest.

Series editor: Janna Wessel


#27 Lourdes W. Melese, The Politics of Civilian (Im)mobility, Movement Management Strategies in Western Syria, 2024.

#26 Inga Agatha Broerse, The Italy-Albania Agreement: externalising asylum procedures in violation of human rights, 2024.

#25 Yasmina Yatti, Handicap en de Asielprocedure: Onzichtbaarheid, Onduidelijkheid en Ontooegankelijkheid, Een analyse van het Nederlandse asielbeleid in het licht van het VN-verdrag Handicap, 2024.

#24 Lydia Leibbrandt, Capturing the alchemy of regularization – Manifestations of citizenship in the German Ausbildungsduldung, 2024.

#23 Fadi Fahad, Een gewaarschuwd kabinet telt voor twee: Doorwerking van wetgevingsadvisering door de Raad van State in het migratierecht, 2024.

#22 Eva van der Wal, Exploring the African Accountability Avenue:  Libya’s Responsibility for Violating the Right to Leave under Article 12 (2) ACHPR through pullback operations, 2024.

#21 Lisa Komp, Border Deaths at Sea under the Right to Life in the European Convention on Human Rights, 2020.

#20 Younous Arbaoui, Deux Poids, Deux Mesures: A critical frame analysis of the Dutch debate on family-related asylum claims, 2019.

#19 Maarten Kos, Italy’s Responsibility Under International Law for Human Rights Violations of Migrants Intercepted at Sea and Returned to Libya by the Libyan Coast Guard with the Support of Italy, 2019.

#18 Nadia Ismaïli, Who cares for the child? Regulating custody and access in family and migration law in the Netherlands, the European Union and the Council of Europe, 2018.

#17 Marcelle Reneman, Identification of asylum seekers with special reception and procedural needs in the Dutch asylum procedure, 2018.

#16 Tamara Last, Deaths Along Southern EU Borders, 2018.

#15 Orcun Ulusoy & Hemme Battjes, Situation of Readmitted Migrants and Refugees from Greece to Turkey under the EU-Turkey Statement, 2017.

#14 Eva Hilbrink, Adjudicating the Public Interest in Immigration Law: A Systematic Content Analysis of Strasbourg and Luxembourg Case Law on Immigration and Free Movement, 2017.

#13 Martijn Stronks, Grasping legal time: A Legal and Philosophical Analysis of the Role of Time in European Migration Law, 2017.

#12 Janna Wessels, “Discretion”, persecution and the act/identity dichotomy: Reducing the Scope of Refugee Protection, 2016.

#11 Lieneke Slingenberg, Between Sovereignty and Equality. The Reception of Asylum Seekers under International Law, 2012.

#10 Hemme Battjes, De ontwikkeling van het begrip bescherming in het asielrecht, 2012.

#9 Sarah van Walsum, Intimate Strangers, 2012.

#8 Karin Maria de Vries, Integration at the Border. The Dutch Act on Integration Abroad in relation to International Immigration Law, 2011.

#7 Juan M. Amaya-Castro, Human Rights and the Critiques of the Public-Private Distinction, 2010.

#6 Kazimierz Bem, Defining the refugee: American and Dutch asylum case-law 1975-2005, 2007.

#5 Said Essakkili, with the assistance of Sophie Flynn, Lieneke Slingenberg and Thomas Spijkerboer, Seeking Asylum Alone in the Netherlands, March 2007.

#4 Lieneke Slingenberg, Dutch Accelerated Asylum Procedure in Light of the European Convention on Human Rights, June 2006.

#3 Hemme Battjes, European Asylum Law and its Relation to International Law, 2006.

#2 Said Essakkili, Marginal Judicial Review in the Dutch Asylum Procedure, June 2005.

#1 Joukje van Rooij, Asylum Procedure versus Human Rights, April 2004.


*Founder and series editor (2004-2023): Thomas Spijkerboer

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