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You will find 3D in our campus square: the debate center of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.


You will find 3D in the gallery of the W&N building, across from the glass container. Find us on Google maps.

Our official address is: 

Vrije Universiteit
Campus Square
W&N building
de Boelelaan 1085
1082 HV

Contact us

For general inquiries please contact us via

For inquiries about programme please contact our coordinator:

Opening hours

We do not have set opening hours: check the calendar to see when we are open.

Limited accessibility

The space has limited accessibility. Read about that here.

Contact 3D

The debate centre of VU Amsterdam

See our calendar 3D events

Visit our website

3D on campus
You'll find the entrance of 3D on campus square, in the W&N / Science building, across from the glass container. On the ground floor you will find our staircase that leads to the sliding door. Click for Google maps.
De Boelelaan 1085
1081 HV Amsterdam