Babies drink a large amount of breast milk and/or formula. Breast milk (human milk) that has been pumped and formula are often stored in plastic, warmed and served in plastic bottles. As a result, babies may unintentionally ingest small plastic particles, known as microplastics. To date, it is not clear whether these microplastics are harmful to babies’ health. In this study, we collect breast milk and formula samples to measure microplastic content. Additionally, we investigate whether alternative methods of storing, heating and serving breast milk/formula can reduce microplastic exposure.
What does participation involve?
Breast milk: We ask participants to collect a small amount of breast milk into a glass jar on two occasions. We will pick up the samples.
Questionnaire: We also ask participants to complete an online questionnaire on how they prepare breast milk or formula for their babies and their views on plastic and its alternatives. This will take approximately 20-30 minutes.
Who can participate?
- You are over 18 years old;
- You are currently breastfeeding;
- You speak Dutch or English.
How can I apply?
Thank you for your interest in our study. We are pleased to share that we have received more registrations than anticipated, exceeding our target study size. As a result, registration for the study is now closed. If you have already registered, we will send you further information about the study by email, allowing you to decide whether you would like to participate. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at
If you are unable or do not wish to donate breast milk samples but would like to share your views by filling in the questionnaire, click here. We appreciate your interest and support!
Who is conducting the research?
This study is a collaborative effort by epidemiologists, clinical researchers, and chemists from VU Amsterdam, Utrecht University, and Amsterdam UMC, with funding support from ZonMw.