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Staff Faculty of Religion and Theology

Staff Faculty of Religion and Theology

Our faculty is located at De Boelelaan 1105, wing "A" on the fifteenth floor. Upon arrival, you can call the person you have an appointment with or call the secretariat to open the door for you.

Staff Faculty of Religion and Theology

Below you will find more information about the academic staff of the Faculty of Religion and Theology.

Dr. Henriette Aarsse

Lecturer Buddhism

Eva Abel

PhD Candidate

Dr. Mohamed Ajouaou

Assistent Professor Islam

Deniz Aktaş

PhD Candidate

Prof. Dr. Hans (Hendrikjen) Alma

Full Professor Spiritual Care and Religious Humanism

Hans Alma

Prof. Dr. Henk Bakker

Full Professor James Wm. McClendon Chair for Baptistic and Evangelical Theologies (Baptist Seminary)

Henk Bakker

Dr. Amisah Bakuri

Postdoctoral Researcher Religion, Anthropology, Migration, gender and sexuality, Black health, Well-being, Slavery and Colonialism

Amisah Bakuri

Prof. Dr. Robert Beckford

Associate Professor Black Theology (Queen's foundation)

Prof. Dr. Henk van den Belt

Full Professor Systematic Theology, Director of the Cornelis Graafland Center (Theological Institute of the Reformed League), coordinator of the Herman Bavinck Center for Reformed and Evangelical Theology

Henk van den Belt

Prof. Dr. Mariecke van den Berg

Full Professor of Religion and Gender

Mariecke van den Berg

Prof. Dr. Gerdien Bertram-Troost

Full Professor Religious Education

Gerdien Bertram-Troost

Dr. Puneet Bindlish

Assistant Professor Hindu Spirituality

Puneet K. Bindlish

Dr. Gertie Blaauwendraad

Lecturer Spiritual Care

Dr. Henk Blezer

Associate Professor Buddhism

Henk Blezer

Dr. Welmoet Boender

Associate Professor Anthropology of Islam

Welmoet Boender

Michiel Bouwman

PhD candidate Theology and Religious Studies in Northwestern Europe

Michiel Bouman

Prof. Dr. André van der Braak

Full Professor Comparative Philosophy of Religion

Andre van der Braak

Prof. Dr. Gijsbert van den Brink

Full Professor Theology & Science

Gijsbert van den Brink

Dr. Silvia Castelli, MA

Lecturer, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Texts and Traditions

Dr. Yusuf Çelik

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Texts and Traditions, Assistant Professor, Network Institute

Yusuf Celik

Dr. Avni Chag

Assistant Professor Hindu Studies

dr. Avni Chag

Dr. Pieter Coppens

Assistant Professor Islamic Studies

Pieter Coppens

Dr. Bert Dicou

Assistant Professor (Remonstrant Seminary)

Bert Dicou

Prof. Dr. Pieternella van Doorn-Harder

Endowed Professor, Beliefs and Practices

Dr. Marius Dorobantu

Postdoctoral Research Associate Theology & Science

Prof. Dr. Chris Doude van Troostwijk

Associate Professor Liberal and Inventive Theology

Chris Doude van Troostwijk

Prof. Dr. Joep Dubbink

Endowed Professor Biblical Theology

Joep Dubbink

Prof. Dr. Frank van der Duijn Schouten

Decaan Faculteit Religie en Theologie

Frank van der Duijn Schouten

Dr. Yaser Ellethy

Associate Professor Islam and Director Centre for Islamic Theology

Yaser Ellethy

Prof. Dr. Fernando Enns

Full Professor (Peace-) Theology and Ethics (Mennonite Seminary)

Fernando Enns

Ulli Fischer MA

Associate Professor Buddhism

Ulli Fischer

Dr. Margaretha Folmer

Associate Professor Hebrew Studies

Annemarie Foppen, MA MSc.

Lecturer Psychology of Religion and PhD candidate

Annemarie Foppen

Prof. Dr. Dion Forster

Associate Professor Public Theologie

Jorik Groen

PhD candidate in Digital Humanities

Prof. Dr. Dirk Martin Grube, MA

Full Professor Ethics

Dirk Grube

Prof. Dr. David P. Gushee

Endowed Professor Christian Social Ethics

Jan Jorrit Hasselaar

Jan Jorrit Hasselaar

Jelmer Heeren

PhD Candidate

Jelmer Heeren

Dr. Joost Hengstmengel

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Texts and Traditions

Joost Hengstmengel

Dr. Nicolette Hijweege-Smeets

Lecturer Spiritual Care

Dr. Peter Hoek

Assistant Professor Practical Theology

Prof. Dr. August den Hollander

Full Professor Religious Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands

August den Hollander

Dr. Marius van Hoogstraten

Postdoctoral Research Associate Inventive Theology (Mennonite Seminary)

Marius van Hoogstraten

Prof. Dr. Yolande Jansen

Endowed Professor humanism in relation to Religion and Secularity

Yolande Jansen

Prof. dr. Matthijs de Jong

Endowed Professor Bible Translation

Matthijs de Jong

Dr. Gunjan Joshi

Lecturer Hinduism

Dr. Jan van de Kamp

Associate Professor Church History

Jan van de Kamp

Dr. Christiane Karrer

Assistant Professor Biblical Theology

Dr. Annette Kemp

Assistant Professor Ethics

Annette Kemp

Prof. Dr. Miranda Klaver

Full Professor Anthropology of Religion and Head of Department Beliefs and Practices

Miranda Klaver

Dr. Elza Kuijk

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Beliefs and Practices

Dr. Samuel Lee

Lecturer and Director of Center for Theology of Migration

Samuel Lee

Dr. Teun van der Leer

Tutor Baptist Seminary

Prof. Dr. Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte

Full Professor New Testament

Bert Jan Lietaert

Dr. Lourens Minnema

Associate Professor Religious Studies

Lourens Minnema

Drs. Maarten Muilwijk


Maarten Muilwijk

Prof. Dr. Sharda Nandram

Full Professor Hindu Spirituality and Society (Hindu Seminary)

Sharda Nandram

Evanne Nowak, MA

PhD Candidate

Nycholas Oliveira

PhD Candidate

Prof. Dr. Stefan Paas

Full Professor J.H. Bavinck Chair for Missiology and Intercultural Theology

Stefan Paas

Andres Felipe Pacheco Lozano

External PhD Candidate

Prof. Dr. Rik Peels

Full Professor Analytical and Interdisciplinary Philosophy of Belief

Rik Peels

Prof. Dr. Willem van Peursen

Full Professor Old Testament with a special focus on Computational Approaches to the Bible

Willem van Peursen

Dr. Daniëlle Phillips-Koning

Assistant Professor

Daniëlle Phillips-Koning

Drs. Lenneke Post, MA

Research Associate

Lenneke Post

Dr. Razi Quadir

Assistant Professor Islam

Dr. Jens Reinke

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Beliefs and Practices

Jens Reinke

Dr. Hans Riphagen

Lecturer and Rector Baptist Seminary

Hans Riphagen

Dr. Johan Roeland

Associate Professor Media, Religion and Popular Culture

dr. Johan Roeland

Prof. Dr. Jessica Roitman

Full Professor Professor of Jewish Studies

Prof. Dr. Hanneke Schaap-Jonker

Endowed Professor, Beliefs and Practices

Hanneke Schaap

Prof. Dr. Bee Scherer

Full Professor Buddhism

Bee Scherer

Dr. Lieke Schrijvers

Researcher religion, anthropology, secularity, gender, mixed relationships

Lieke Schrijvers

Prof. Dr. Matthias Smalbrugge

Full Professor European Culture and Christianity

Matthias Smalbrugge

Prof. Dr. Peter-Ben Smit

Full Professor Dom Hélder Câmara Chair in Contextual Biblical Interpretation

Peter-Ben Smit

Dr. Srdjan Sremac

Assistant Professor Trauma and Lived Religion

Srdjan Sremac

Prof. Dr. Eveline van Staalduine-Sulman

Full Professor Reception History of the Hebrew Bible in Antiquity

Eveline van Staalduine-Sulman

Dr. Janneke Stegeman

Lecturer Emoena, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Beliefs and Practices

Prof. Dr. Katya Tolstoj

Full Professor Chair of Theology and Religion in Post-Trauma Societies, Vice-dean Faculty of Religion and Theology

Katja Tolstaja

Prof. Dr. Mirjam van Veen

Full Professor Church History

Dr. Pieter Veerman

Assistant Professor Practical Theology

Pieter Veerman

Dr. Hannah Visser

Postdoctoral researcher religion, education and diversity; Lecturer Emoena.

Hannah Visser

Prof. Dr. Wim van Vlastuin

Full Professor Theology and Spirituality of Reformed Protestantism (Restored Reformed Seminary)

Wim van Vlastuin

Dr. Egbert Wits

Research Associate

Drs. Susanna Wolfert-de Vries

Lecturer, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Texts and Traditions

Dr. Theo van Willigenburg

Research Fellow Moral Philosophy, Restorative Justice, Non-retributive atonement

Theo van Willigenburg

Dr. Helene Wuhrer

Research Associate, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Texts and Traditions

Dr. An-Ting Yi, MA

Assistant Professor New Testament and Migration

Dr. An-Ting Yi. Photo by Ruben Timman

Dr. Benno Zuiddam


Benno Zuiddam

Prof. Dr. Arie Zwiep

Vice-dean Faculty of Religion and Theology, Full Professor Hermeneutics

Arie Zwiep

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