Our faculty is located at De Boelelaan 1105, wing "A" on the fifteenth floor. Upon arrival, you can call the person you have an appointment with or call the secretariat to open the door for you.
Staff Faculty of Religion and Theology
Staff Faculty of Religion and Theology
Below you will find more information about the academic staff of the Faculty of Religion and Theology.
Prof. Dr. Hans (Hendrikjen) Alma
Full Professor Spiritual Care and Religious Humanism

Prof. Dr. Henk Bakker
Full Professor James Wm. McClendon Chair for Baptistic and Evangelical Theologies (Baptist Seminary)

Dr. Amisah Bakuri
Postdoctoral Researcher Religion, Anthropology, Migration, gender and sexuality, Black health, Well-being, Slavery and Colonialism

Prof. Dr. Henk van den Belt
Full Professor Systematic Theology, Director of the Cornelis Graafland Center (Theological Institute of the Reformed League), coordinator of the Herman Bavinck Center for Reformed and Evangelical Theology

Michiel Bouwman
PhD candidate Theology and Religious Studies in Northwestern Europe

Dr. Silvia Castelli, MA
Lecturer, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Texts and Traditions
Dr. Yusuf Çelik
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Texts and Traditions, Assistant Professor, Network Institute

Prof. Dr. Chris Doude van Troostwijk
Associate Professor Liberal and Inventive Theology

Dr. Yaser Ellethy
Associate Professor Islam and Director Centre for Islamic Theology

Prof. Dr. Fernando Enns
Full Professor (Peace-) Theology and Ethics (Mennonite Seminary)

Jan Jorrit Hasselaar
Dr. Joost Hengstmengel
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Texts and Traditions

Prof. Dr. August den Hollander
Full Professor Religious Cultural Heritage in the Netherlands

Dr. Marius van Hoogstraten
Postdoctoral Research Associate Inventive Theology (Mennonite Seminary)

Prof. Dr. Yolande Jansen
Endowed Professor humanism in relation to Religion and Secularity

Prof. Dr. Miranda Klaver
Full Professor Anthropology of Religion and Head of Department Beliefs and Practices

Dr. Elza Kuijk
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Beliefs and Practices
Dr. Samuel Lee
Lecturer and Director of Center for Theology of Migration

Prof. Dr. Sharda Nandram
Full Professor Hindu Spirituality and Society (Hindu Seminary)

Prof. Dr. Stefan Paas
Full Professor J.H. Bavinck Chair for Missiology and Intercultural Theology

Andres Felipe Pacheco Lozano
External PhD Candidate
Prof. Dr. Rik Peels
Full Professor Analytical and Interdisciplinary Philosophy of Belief

Prof. Dr. Willem van Peursen
Full Professor Old Testament with a special focus on Computational Approaches to the Bible

Dr. Jens Reinke
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Beliefs and Practices

Dr. Lieke Schrijvers
Researcher religion, anthropology, secularity, gender, mixed relationships

Prof. Dr. Peter-Ben Smit
Full Professor Dom Hélder Câmara Chair in Contextual Biblical Interpretation

Prof. Dr. Eveline van Staalduine-Sulman
Full Professor Reception History of the Hebrew Bible in Antiquity

Dr. Janneke Stegeman
Lecturer Emoena, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Beliefs and Practices
Prof. Dr. Katya Tolstoj
Full Professor Chair of Theology and Religion in Post-Trauma Societies, Vice-dean Faculty of Religion and Theology

Dr. Hannah Visser
Postdoctoral researcher religion, education and diversity; Lecturer Emoena.

Prof. Dr. Wim van Vlastuin
Full Professor Theology and Spirituality of Reformed Protestantism (Restored Reformed Seminary)

Drs. Susanna Wolfert-de Vries
Lecturer, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Texts and Traditions
Dr. Theo van Willigenburg
Research Fellow Moral Philosophy, Restorative Justice, Non-retributive atonement

Dr. Helene Wuhrer
Research Associate, Faculty of Religion and Theology, Texts and Traditions
Prof. Dr. Arie Zwiep
Vice-dean Faculty of Religion and Theology, Full Professor Hermeneutics