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Faculty Board FRT

The Faculty Board of the faculty of Religion and Theology is the primary governing body of the faculty. The Board consists of a dean, a research portfolio holder, and a education portfolio holder.

Faculteitsbestuur van FRT

The Faculty Board is the primary governing body of the faculty. The Board consists of a dean, a research portfolio holder, and a education portfolio holder.

prof. dr. Frank van der Duijn Schouten

Dean Faculty of Religion and Theology

Frank van der Duijn Schouten

Prof. Dr. Katya Tolstoj

Full Professor Chair of Theology and Religion in Post-Trauma Societies, Vice-dean Faculty of Religion and Theology

Katja Tolstaja

Prof. Dr. Arie Zwiep

Vice-dean Faculty of Religion and Theology, Full Professor Hermeneutics

Arie Zwiep

Martin van Aken

Director of Operations

Martin van Aken