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Regulations Faculty of Religion and Theology

The most important regulations regarding Bachelor's and Master's education within the faculty are the Teaching and Examination Regulations of individual programmes and the Examination Boards’ Rules and Regulations.

Teaching and examination regulations

Each Bachelor's and Master's programme has Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER), which set out the applicable procedures as well as the rights and obligations with regard to education and examinations. Each TER consists of a section A, a section B1 and a section B2.

Section A is the faculty section containing the provisions that apply to all Bachelor's and Master's programmes within the faculty. The programme specific provisions are set out in both B sections, for which the following subdivision is used:
• Section B1: general provisions relating specifically to the programme of study
• Section B2: programme content section, including the structure of the curriculum

From the academic year 2019-2020, the Teaching and Examination Regulations of individual programmes will be published in the online study guide of VU Amsterdam. This concerns both the A and B sections.

As of academic year 2020-2021, separate pre-master’s regulations will be established. In addition, an addendum to the Teaching and Examination Regulations has been drawn up in connection with the corona measures.

Teaching and Examination Regulations of the bachelor and master studies of the previous years, can be found on (in Dutch).

Rules and regulations

The Faculty of Religion and Theology has two examination boards.

  • The Examination Board of the Bachelor's programme Theology (joint degree) has established Rules and Regulations (pdf, in Dutch) that apply to the interim and final examinations in the Bachelor's programme in Theology.
  • The Examination Board of the other programmes has established Rules and Regulations (pdf) that apply to the examinations and examinations in the Bachelor's programme Theology and Religious Studies and all Master’s programmes.

The Rules and Regulations of both examination boards also include the cum laude rules.