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Centre for Religion and Law

The Centre for Religion and Law is a collaboration between the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Religion and Theology of the VU University Amsterdam.

Dr. Leon van den Broeke initiated the Centre in 2001. It’s aim is the deepening and broadening of scientific attention for:

  • the legal standing of various church communities;
  • points where the ecclesiastical and the worldly law affect each other;
  • the legal position of the church with respect to state and society;
  • the legal aspects of the performance and functioning of non-Christian religions in The Netherlands.

In order to realize this, the Centre is committed to:

  • scientific studying of and lecturing in the subjects “Ecclesiastical Law” and “Church and Law”;
  • dispensing advice in the field of explanation and application of various church orders, and issues in the field of religion and law;
  • providing and organizing lectures and colloquia;
  • issuing publications in the specialized field of canonistics and church order;
  • initiating an illustrated magazine for canonistics and church order (please also see;
  • organizing symposia.

More information

Further information can be obtained on this website.