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Centre for Patristic Research

The inter-academic Centre for Patristic Research (CPO) is an initiative of the Faculty of Religion and Theology of the VU University Amsterdam and the Faculty Catholic Theology (FKT) of the University of Tilburg.

The CPO is a joint property of both universities. The CPO serves a scientific and oecumenical purpose. The CPO aims at scientific research into the first developments in Christian thinking concerning mankind, society, Creation and the Holy Trinity and their connection. In the institute, Roman Catholic and Protestant theologians collaborate in the field of patristics, with an eye on the quality of faith and life of contemporary Christians, nestled in the community of the church in a pluralistic society.
They put this into practice by performing high-quality scientific research, of which the results are published in internationally recognized scientific illustrated magazines in their field, in international (congress) volumes and dictionaries.

Director: Prof. of dr. P.J.J. van Geest

More information

Further information can be obtained on the Internet website: