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Research board Law

The research board supports the faculty board with the task of preparation and implementation of research strategy and policy. The research board consists of the directors of research programmes, a PhD candidate and is presided by the research director who also is member of the faculty board.

Members of the research board:

  • prof. dr. A.J. (Arno) Akkermans
  • prof. M.V. (Masha) Antokolskaia
  • prof. dr. mr. B. (Betty) de Hart
  • prof. dr. E.R. (Edward) Kleemans (chair and research director)
  • prof. dr. B.M.J. (Bart) van Klink
  • mr. D. (Dion) Kramer (PhD candidate)
  • prof. mr. P. (Pim) Huisman
  • ms. J.M. (Anniek) van der Schuijt (secretary) 
  • dr. K.M. (Karin) de Vries
  • dr. mr. J. (Joris) van Wijk

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