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Education Human Movement Sciences

The department of Human Movement Sciences provides education for the bachelor of Human Movement Sciences (in Dutch) and three master's degree programs.

Master Human Movement Sciences: Sport, Exercise and Health (one-year master's programme)

In the master's programme Human Movement Sciences: Sport, Exercise and Health, students learn to translate multidisciplinary scientific knowledge into sports and rehabilitation practice. There is ample room for specialisation.

Research Master's degree in Movement Sciences: Sport, Exercise and Health (two-year master's programme)

The two-year Research Master's programme in Human Movement Sciences: Sport, Excercise and Health prepares for a research career in the multidisciplinary field of human movement. The programme integrates fundamental scientific research with relevant questions from clinical practice and the world of sports. 

Master Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Sciences (one-year master's programme)

The master's programme in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Sciences focuses on clinical research in the field of the musculoskeletal system. The goal of the programme is to train academics with sufficient expertise to take the field of physiotherapy to the next level.

The staff members, who teach in these courses, are appointed within the various research sections of the Movement Sciences department. In addition, there is an Education section, in which full time teachers and the junior teachers of Movement Sciences work.