VU researchers can publish via the green route in the research registration system PURE. An advantage of uploading publications in the repository is that long-term storage is guaranteed. Publications registered in PURE are publicly accessible through the Netherlands Research Portal archive which is fully accessible via Google (Scholar).
Publishers have different copyright policies stipulating which version of a publication can be deposited in a repository and the duration of the embargo period, if any. The Open Access policy of all publishers can be found on the website of the Open Policy Finder.
Uploading publications
You can register and upload publications in the PURE research registration system. The bibliographic information about the publication is made available on the personal pages in the VU Research Portal after registration. The publication itself is also made available in the VU research Portal in case it is OA or after the embargo period has ended. More information about working with PURE.
Uploading theses
By order of the Doctorate Regulations all PhD-candidates are obliged to make a digital version of their thesis available to the university. Through a so-called licensing agreement, PhD-students give permission to publish the thesis, either directly or after an embargo period, on VU-DARE. You can find more information about the procedure and about uploading a thesis here. PhD’s who finished their studies in the past can still deposit their thesis in VU-DARE. Please contact the University Library if this applies to you.
Copyrights always play a role in writing, publishing and re-using scientific publications, books or research results. For questions about copyright you can visit the website Copyright in Higher Education or contact the Open Access team.