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Enhance the visibility of your research results with an ORCiD

Every researcher wants their publications and other research results to be easy to find, without wasting time having to record them in all manner of databases and profiles. An ORCiD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) - a unique, personal number - ensures that this is the case. You can use the ID to generate lists of publications or when submitting an article or subsidy application. How does it work and what are the benefits?

Sorted for your entire career in ten minutes flat
Creating an ORCiD takes around ten minutes. And you can use the ID throughout your career, even if you change employer.

Enter Once, Reuse Often: not filling in your details time and time again
If you link your ORCiD to your profile in the VU Research Portal and databases (e.g. Scopus, PubMed and Web of Science), then all your publications will automatically be incorporated into your ORCiD. That goes for both past and future publications. Hence having an ORCiD means no longer having to manually enter your publications. ORCiD will retrieve your publications from Scopus and forward them to the profiles and databases to which you have linked your ORCiD.

An increasing number of publishers and funders are requesting an ORCiD
More and more publishers and funders are requesting an ORCiD when you wish to submit an article or application, meaning that you will no longer need to fill in your data in those circumstances either. Once a publisher knows your ORCiD, they will often see to it that your new publication is added to your record (as a result of which it will also be added automatically to the profiles and databases with which your ORCiD is associated). Thus saving you a lot of time.

Your publications will be easier to find
Linking your ORCiD to your profiles and databases will ensure that your research output is up to date in all places and at all times, and will enable fellow academics to obtain a comprehensive overview of your work swiftly. Once you have an ORCiD, your publications will also be easy to find using Altmetric, giving you better insight into society’s awareness of your research.
No more confusion of names
Having an ORCID will prevent articles being incorrectly attributed to someone with the same (or a similar) name as you or your name being misspelled. What’s more, you will be contributing to the VU (your faculty or discipline) earning itself the place in the rankings that we deserve. After all, it is quite common for the name of an institution with which you are affiliated to be improperly spelled or stated. If the name of our university (or your research institute) is not written correctly, then this will not be included in the rankings.

You decide what you do with your ORCiD
You get to choose which databases or profiles you would like to link to (or unlink from) your ORCiD, and what information is or is not visible to others.

Read how to arrange your ORCiD in no time at all
The ORCiD Libguide sets out step by step how to create your ORCiD and link it to your profiles on the VU Research Portal and Scopus. If you follow the instructions, then you will be finished in five minutes flat.

ORCiD is a non-profit organisation set up by the academic community itself.

Find out more about the use (advanced functionality) and benefits of ORCID in the VU Libguide ORCID

Create your automated linkage to PURE
The University Library encourages you to create or connect your ORCiD to your personal information at the VU Research Portal. Read our instructions on how to connect with VU Research Portal. This option is not yet available for VUmc researchers. More information:

More information about ORCID and support
•    Contact the University Library
•    ORCiD website
•    Instructions on how to connect with VU Research Portal
•    Basic knowledge on ORCiD (FAQ)