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Lost your diploma or grade list?

If you have DigiD and you received your diploma on or after 1 January 1996, you may download a digital excerpt of your diploma from DUO diploma register. If you obtained your diploma before this date, please contact the secretariat of your former faculty.

The digital extract from DUO Diploma Register holds the same value as a certified copy of your diploma. A digital extract from this register is free and can be downloaded directly (in Dutch).

The statement contains your name, date and place of birth, education and examination date.

No DigiD and/or diploma obtained before 1 January 1996

If you do not have DigiD, or if you obtained your degree before January 1, 1996, please contact the secretariat of the faculty where you graduated.   

PhD certificate 

The VU does not provide a written copy of a PhD degree certificate. However, it is possible to request a statement. Please contact the Beadle Office at

Graduation statement

A graduation statement is used to show that you have graduated if you have lost or have not yet been handed your diploma. A graduation certificate is not the same as a diploma.  

You can only request a graduation statement after Study and Student Administration has communicated your graduation date to DUO. You will receive an e-mail message about this at that time. You can also check this in Studielink. Once the graduation date has been submitted, you will see a diploma date under 'My previous studies'.  

Requesting a grade list

As long as you are still registered as a student, you can request a grade list yourself as a PDF or Excel file or as a certified copy through the Student Desk. Please check your results first.  

If you are no longer registered as a student, please contact the secretariat of the faculty where you graduated for more information.