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School of Business and Economics experts

De School of Business and Economics (SBE) slaat een brug tussen onderzoek en onderwijs in economie en bedrijfskunde.

Visiting Adress:
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam

+31 (0) 20 - 598 5020


Hier is een lijst van SBE experts die deel uitmaken van VBL.

School of Business and Economics (SBE) experts

Onze experts van het School of Business and Economics

Aylin Aydinli

Associate Professor, Marketing, School of Business and Economics

Agnes Bäker

Associate Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics

Katharina Brütt

Assistant Professor, Ethics, Governance and Society, School of Business and Economics

Anna Gold

Full Professor, Accounting, School of Business and Economics

dr. Menusch Khadjavi

Coördinator Economie & Internationale uitwisselingen

Katinka Quintelier

Associate Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics

Peeter Verlegh

Full Professor, Marketing, School of Business and Economics

Arjen van Witteloostuijn

Dean, School of Business and Economics , Full Professor, Ethics, Governance and Society, School of Business and Economics

Arjen van Witteloostuijn

Mirella Kleijnen

Full Professor, Marketing, School of Business and Economics

Tom Moliterno

Full Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics

Femke van Horen

Scientific director of VU Behavioural Lab, Professor of Consumer Behaviour, School of Business and Economics

Wouter Stam

Full Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics

Svetlana Khapova

Full Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics

Maria Tims

Full Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics

Rafael Wilms

Assistant Professor, Management and Organisation, School of Business and Economics

Jiska Eelen

Associate Professor, Marketing, School of Business and Economics

Kobe Millet

Associate Professor, Marketing, School of Business and Economics

Michail Kokkoris

Associate Professor, Marketing, School of Business and Economics

Meike Morren

Assistant Professor, Marketing, School of Business and Economics

Juan Mendoza Rodriguez

Associate Professor, Accounting, School of Business and Economics

Farah Arshad

Assistant Professor, Accounting, School of Business and Economics

Gaia Giambastiani

Assistant Professor, Marketing, School of Business and Economics

Marco van Gelderen

Associate Professor, Management and organization, School of Business and Economics

Evgenia I. Lysova

Associate Professor, Management and organization, School of Business and Economics

Christina Rott

Associate Professor, Management and organization, School of Business and Economics

Rebecca Ruehle

Assistant Professor, Management and organization, School of Business and Economics

Brian Tjemkes

Professor, Management and organization, School of Business and Economics

Karen Gorissen

Lecturer, Marketing, School of Business and Economics

Nico Schauerte

Associate Professor, Marketing, School of Business and Economics

Dirk Inghels

Associate Professor, Operation Analytics, School of Business and Economics

Paul Koster

Assistant Professor, Spatial Economics, School of Business and Economics

Sorravich Kingsuwankul

Research Associate, Management and Organization, School of Business and Economics