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External Courses in Entrepreneurship

These external courses are all embedded well in the relevant faculties and departments. Nevertheless, the first four courses below (E4P, EAAI, EHMS and EBPT) have the same basis: 1) Transfer of academic knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship. 2) Development of entrepreneurial competences. 3) Business Model Canvas of an innovative idea from the own discipline. The fifth course (ESC) is applied to the specific situation of the overarching course The Start-up Clinic. The sixth course (EPKT) is focused on PhD students of the Faculty of Science and related interdisciplinary research institutes. The seventh course (TED) is an Honor’s Bachelor course at the Faculty of Medicine. These seven courses form a snapshot of the current situation, as entrepreneurship education can be taught at every faculty and department, both within and outside the VU, and several requests for the development and organization of entrepreneurship education are in progress.
  • Entrepreneurship for Physicists (E4P)
  • Entrepreneurship in Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (EAAI)
  • Entrepreneurship in Human Movement Sciences (EHMS)
  • Entrepreneurship in Biomedical Physics and Technology (EBPT)
  • Entrepreneurship in the Start-up Clinic (ESC)
  • End of Pipe Knowledge Transfer: Fundamentals and Practice (EPKT).
  • The Entrepreneurial Doctor

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