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dr. Toon Haer, PhD

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science, Water and Climate Risk

Personal information

Toon Haer is an assistant professor of Climate Adaptation at the Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM), Water and Climate Risk department. His current research focus is equitable adaptation and climate justice. Using both quantitative models and empirical research methods, Toon analyses distributive, procedural, and systemic (in)equities of adaptation. His research interests further include natural hazard risk analyses, adaptation strategies, economics of adaptation and cost-benefit analyses, climate change, and integrating natural and behavioural processes of governments and households in risk models across different scales.

Toon currently leads a VIDI project, where he investigates pathways towards equitable coastal adaptation. He is also the project lead for the VU within the RED&BLUE consortium on climate risk management and impacts for Dutch real estate management. Over the past decade, Toon has led or been involved in numerous projects on adaptation, such as ‘strong roots, strong women’ on empowering women to lead nature-based solutions in Vietnam, RESILIO on implementing blue-green roofs in Amsterdam, DOWN2EARTH on drought adaptation in Kenya, and ENHANCE on multi-sectoral partnerships for adaptation.


Climate Adaptation, Climate Justice, Equitable adaptation, climate impact/climate risk assessments, agent-Based Modelling, household surveys.


2018: PhD flood risk adaptation

2012: MSc Energy and Environmental Sciences, IVEM, University of Groningen (cum laude).

2010: BSc Technologymanagement, University of Groningen.


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dr. Toon Haer, PhD

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