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mr. dr. Dion Kramer

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law, EU Law

Assistant Professor, Kooijmans Institute

Assistant Professor, Research Programmes - Law, Boundaries of Law

Personal information

Dion Kramer works as Assistant Professor at the Department of Transnational Legal Studies. He teaches courses on European and International Law and conducts research on the law and politics of European integration. After receiving his Bachelor degrees in European Studies and Law at the University of Amsterdam, he completed a research master in International Relations at the University of Cambridge in 2013 and an LL.M. in European Union Law at the University of Amsterdam in 2014. He moved on to work as a PhD Candidate at the Vrije Universiteit between 2015 and 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Gareth Davies (VU) and Dr. Franca van Hooren (UvA). In November 2021, he became a member of the Amsterdam Young Academy, of which is he currently co-chair.


My research is focussed on the law and politics of European Integration, with a specific focus on free movement and the national welfare state. My articles have been published in international journals like European Law Journal, Journal of European Public Policy and Common Market Law Review.

PhD dissertation

I defended my PhD dissertation, titled 'Earning Social Citizenship; Free Movement, National Welfare and the European Court of Justice', cum laude on 26 November 2020. The dissertation engages with the tension between comprehensive free movement rights and national welfare states in the European Union. It concludes that the interaction between the Court’s jurisprudence and Member State responses stimulates a synergy around the model of earned social citizenship: mobile EU citizens have to ‘earn’ their social citizenship and access to the welfare system through an emphasis on their individual responsibility to fulfil the economic, social and cultural conditions of membership.

You can watch my 10-minute presentation during my defence on YouTube (in Dutch) or listen to a brief summary on the NPO Radio 1 (in Dutch). On the 27th of May 2021, the dissertation was awarded with the Erasmus Dissertation Prize.

Research Tenure Track

Between 2021 and 2023, the faculty of law awarded me with a research tenure track position that enabled me to extend my fields of interests to the law and politics of the internal market more generally. Over the past years, my focus has shifted to the local regulation of the cross-border platform economy (AirBnb), the phenomenon of posted workers and EU citizens experiencing homelessness in other Member States than their own.

Veni Project (2024-2027)

In 2024 I was awarded a Veni grant by the Dutch Research Council for the research project Whom to Shelter? (Re)Bordering Homelessness Support in the European Union. I will research the rights of homeless EU citizens and explain how local governments in the Netherlands and other EU Member States reorganise their homelessness support programmes in response to the growing numbers of homeless EU citizens.

PhD Co-Supervision

I currently co-supervise two PhD projects: Imke van Gardingen on the posting of third-country nationals within the internal market and Felix Blommaert on platform regulation in the European Union.


I teach courses and supervise theses at both BA and master's level, mostly in relation to European Union Law, and currently act as coordinator for the master's specialisation in European and International Law. List of courses and activities:

  • European and International Law, LLM Transnational Legal Studies, VU (2019-present)
  • Thesis supervision, LLM Transnational Legal Studies (2019-present)
  • Thesis supervision, BA Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2018-2024)
  • Principles European Law, BA Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2015-2024)
  • Academic Research Skills, LLM Research Talent Track (2020-2023)
  • European Union Law, Amsterdam University College (2018-2020)
  • International Public Law, BA Law, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (2018-2020)
  • Capstone supervision, Amsterdam University College (2018-2020)
  • Economic and Legal Integration of Europe, BA European Studies, University of Amsterdam (2016)
Ancillary activities
  • Amsterdam Young Academy | Amsterdam | | 2021-11-15 - present

Ancillary activities are updated daily

mr. dr. Dion Kramer


  • EU citizenship, free movement, welfare state, internal market


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