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Advocacy Academy materials

The Advocacy Academy is the masterclass that Elena Ponzoni, Halleh Ghorashi, Domenica Ghidei and Mohammed Badran (in cooperation with Adel Albaghdadi and Semih Huseyin) have developed for the 2incING project. The masterclass is meant for policymakers wanting to work with refugee-led advocacy. It is based on experiences of refugee-led organizations and advocates to spur reflection and knowledge exchange on possibilities and conditions for refugee-led advocacy. Refugee Academy provided the masterclass in Amsterdam in September 2022, Zagreb in October 2022, Malta in November 2022 and Athens in January 2022.

We wrote an extended report of the masterclass in Amsterdam, which you can find here

Dit onderzoek is onderdeel van het Co-Creation for Inclusive Knowledges Lab

The masterclass can be provided by refugee-led organizations for policymakers in various national contexts, after contacting the Refugee Academy. Beneath you can find all the necessary materials to organize and deliver the masterclass, including participant invitations, trainer guidelines, a digital lecture, a theoretical handout, first-hand experience cases, and group exercises. When interested in providing the masterclass in your context, please get in touch with the refugee academy by mailing: refugee.academy.fsw@vu.nl.
We will send you the templates in Word to be filled in with your information and assist you with any questions.

Assignment Working in groups Case Discussion English


Assignment for comeback day


A case for assignment Working in Groups – Case from Croatian context


A case for assignment Working in groups -Case from the Dutch context


Canvas Participatory Spaces


Template Program advocacy academy for participants


Template Save the Date advocacy academy


Advocacy Academy – lecture by Halleh Ghorashi

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